Our comprehensive Pain & Spine Center offers total spine solutions. We address the needs of patients at any point within the care cycle, offering non-surgical, surgical, and post-surgical care, as well as rehabilitation and physical therapy.
Neck and back pain are commonplace and may require surgical intervention for improvement. We concentrate on spinal reconstructive surgery, minimally invasive spine surgery, artificial disc replacement surgery, cervical, thoracic, and lumbar surgery, kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty, and spinal injections.
But this is not always the case. Therapy and other non-surgical solutions are often very effective in restoring spine health. Pain management doctors specialize in diagnosing and treating back, neck, hip, and joint pain. Treatment plans range from physical therapy services to steroid injections to the affected areas. These doctors also perform electromyogram or EMG studies that assess the health of muscles and the nerves that control them. These study results can reveal nerve or muscle dysfunction.
Our pain management experts, in conjunction with our surgeons, develop the most advanced treatment plans to reduce pain and improve quality of life.
Our Doctors

Spinal Reconstructive Surgery, Artificial Disc Replacement, Kyphoplasty, And Vertebroplasty